Our Mission To enlighten your awareness of the musical soul within your spiritual being by stimulating the audio receptacle persona of your truest mortal being. Well, actually we're just trying to make money doing what we love to do and hopefully bring enjoyment to others by playing songs that YOU want to hear. Not just what we like to play. But basically, we just want to make money with a hobby that we have had since before high school. Our History One of the many bands that Scott is in has word that their guitarist is leaving. Pete is working in a new band that he just started. Everyone calls Pete and explains that Scott is looking for a new guitarist. Including Scott. Pete tells everyone, including Scott, that he cant juggle more than one band at a time since he is just starting to get the one hes in off the ground. About a month later Pete says why not. Especially right after the one hes in just broke up a month after Scotts first call. The day after the last show with their original guitarist, he decided that he was going to stay in the band.(Pete was there that night) Scott tells Pete, Why dont we just start something anyway? Since he wasnt doing anything anyways, Pete decided sure. After all, they knew a lot of the same songs, and it wouldnt take long to get things going. Once they find a drummer theyll be able to start playing out in no time. (Scott already had Kevin in mind. Especially since the two of them been talking about it for months). First thing they did was to bring in an old friend, Chris Powers, on drums to fill a date that Pete had booked with the last band but didnt want to cancel. After one practice, (or was it two?), they covered the show. Along with a little parody of Eric Claptons Wonderful Tonight that Scott and Chris started joking around with about an alternative life style and Pete went home and finished the lyrics. They are all very proud of the song. They went under the title Thingamajig which Scott later suggested The Far Kings Ice Hole Band. Though he knew it was from the movie Johnny Dangerously and knew the joke, he never saw the flick. Go figure. About a week after the show, Scott figures that Kevin was ready for stepping in to take the helm at the skins (he was a little busy to make it for the first show). Both Pete and Scott were very appreciative about Chris filling in for the first gig, but this was originally Kevins and Scotts idea. So with another two practices, The Far Kings were playing out again. Building up the mailing list, booking more gigs, and having a great time. So sign up on the e-mailing list and you too will know where theyll be playing at. This way if you dont want to see the show youll at least know where to avoid them. 